May 10, 2010


Far away a land forlornly lies,
Well hidden it is from prying eyes,
"Down Under" they call it with a grin,
But me that fabled country did not win:

For while the duck-billed mammals' eggs it lays,
The big and arid hole centrally stays;
And while it breeds majestic kangaroos,
I've yet to see them other than in zoos;

For while its' people greet me with "G'day"s,
The laid-back culture me still does amaze;
And while they on the wrong side always cruise,
I've still to answer what I here did lose;

So as I leave all I'll do is say,
Happy - that far away,
I'll be - when it does lay.


  1. ok, that's why i dont like rhyming poetry,. cuz you twist words and sentences around just so you have the word you need to rhyme at the end of the line.

    i dont really get what you are trying to say, honestly. but good job at making it rhyme. :)

  2. There is a reason why poets need 'poetic license'...

    I'm just rambling; not really trying to say anything.

    The question is if people get poetry when it doesn't rhyme, because that's even harder in my opinion.

  3. most poems I write don't rhyme. most people appreciate them anyway.
